Big tech’s Communist China BETA test for America: We’re caught in an electronic prison of our own making

While 10’s of millions of Americans and countless more people around the world ‘slept‘, we’ll posit here with sourced backing in the story below that George Orwell’s ‘constant surveillance system‘ from his book “1984” has been built up all around us with the CIA long-funding cutting-edge technology firms and China now ‘big tech’s‘ BETA-testing ground for what will soon be coming to America, with it already being unveiled in stages over the past decade and still today as this story is being written.

(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from

According to the Wikipedia’s entry for ‘Big Brother from Orwell’s book “1984“, in the society that Orwell describes, every citizen is under constant surveillance by the authorities, mainly by telescreens. With that entry reminding us of this new story over at the website “Study Finds that the Drudge Report had linked to on Tuesday which reports that the average American spends half of their ‘awake‘ hours every day staring at screens, how long will it be before the government openly admits as Orwell’s government did in “1984“, “Big Brother Is Watching You!“?

And while in modern culture, the term “Big Brother” has become a synonym for the rampant and seemingly never-ending abuse of government power, particularly in respect to mass surveillance, ‘privacy‘ is gone forever as Steve Quayle warns us we have literally been caught in an electronic prison of our own making. And what is happening now in China with social credit scores following the Chinese people where ever they go is absolutely a BETA test for what ‘big tech‘ and the globalists have coming to America.

And we find it concerning that in Orwell’s 1984 and the ‘telescreens‘ forever watching us we see a very concerning parallel with recent remarks made by Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill who warned that the ‘antichrist‘ will control human beings through ‘gadgets‘ and it will be our very dependence upon modern technologies that will ‘usher the antichrist in‘.

With America clearly now having reached the point in time warned about by former CIA Director William J. Casey back in February of 1981 when he said “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false“, privacy is clearly gone forever in 2019 due largely to the CIA’s ownership and partnership with every big tech/spy tech company in the world as we’ll see detailed and sourced below.


While the mainstream media might call it ‘fake news’, as we reported on ANP back on April 12th of 2018, the ties between Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘facebook’ and the ‘deep state’ are undeniable with ‘facebook‘ being created the day after the Pentagon killed a project by DARPA called “Lifelog“, a project which aimed to database every facet of people’s lives. From that story:

All the way back on February 4th of 2004, reported that the Pentagon had killed off its ambitious ‘LifeLog’ project following a massive outcry from civil libertarians over the Pentagon’s plans: to build a database that tracked a person’s ‘entire existence’.

Run by DARPA, the Defense Department’s Advanced Research arm, LifeLog aimed to gather in a single place just about everything an individual says, sees or does: the phone calls made, the TV shows watched, the magazines read, the plane tickets bought, the e-mail sent and received. The Wikipedia entry for LifeLog takes it even further:

According to its bid solicitation pamphlet, it was to be “an ontology-based (sub)system that captures, stores, and makes accessible the flow of one person’s experience in and interactions with the world in order to support a broad spectrum of associates/assistants and other system capabilities”.

The objective of the LifeLog concept was “to be able to trace the ‘threads’ of an individual’s life in terms of events, states, and relationships”, and it has the ability to “take in all of a subject’s experience, from phone numbers dialed and e-mail messages viewed to every breath taken, step made and place gone”.

While researchers close to the DARPA project said they weren’t sure why the project was dropped at the end of January of 2004 with DARPA never providing an ‘official explanation’ as to why the ambitious project was quietly canceled, it’s likely much more than just a coincidence that Mark Zuckerberg officially founded Facebook on February 4th, the very day of the Wired story.

Back on February 18th of 2016, Susan Duclos had published this story on ANP titled “From Cashless Society To Killing People According To Meta-Data ‘Skynet’ Is Real, It Is Live And It Has Already Taken Control – CIA, Google, Facebook Connections” within which she pointed out the ties between the CIA, big tech and the ‘skynet’ that is still being created all around us while warning that people’s ‘meta-data‘ alone was getting them killed.

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