Facebook bans Mark Dice as attacks on conservative speech accelerate… it’s time to arrest Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook and other techno-tyrants

It should be obvious by now to anyone who’s been paying attention that the social media behemoths are deeply involved in a scandalous effort to use the smallest excuse to ban or otherwise censor conservatives from their platforms. 

Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube, all run by Left-wing “progressives,” launched their coordinated conservative censorship campaigns ahead of the 2018 elections because they discovered, given their incredible reach, they wielded outsized power to influence users’ opinions.

Mostly they accomplished this through acts of omission: The platforms banned right-leaning speakers and news sources or dramatically limited their reach so as to deprive users of valuable information that could have influenced thinking on issues. 

Since the election, the social media platforms have only become more aggressive in their censorship, as evidenced by an action Facebook took this week against conservative documentarian Mark Dice.

You may recall that mainstream media outlets recently reported on the shooting death of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes in Texas. Originally, the girl’s mother and family told police that she was killed by a 30-40-year-old white man, painting the tragedy as some sort of racially-motivated incident.

Naturally, the Left-wing “mainstream” media immediately picked up the story and ran with it because that’s just what they do. But being quick to politicize such incidents rather than simply report them, those outlets soon had egg on their faces because police eventually arrested Eric Black, Jr. 20, for Jasmine Barnes’ murder. (Related: Media buries the truth about illegal immigrants bringing wave of hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV to America.)

Eric Black is a young black male. 

The Harris County Sheriff’s Office announced the arrest, and supplied a mug shot, via Twitter (ironically).

Additionally, on Tuesday, the department also filed capital murder charges against Larry D. Woodruffe, 24, for his alleged involvement in Jazmine’s shooting death. He, too, is black. 

This censorship is only going to get worse as the Left seeks to bury inconvenient facts

On his Facebook page, Dice pointed out the hypocrisy of the Leftist mainstream media in ensuring that the story about Jazmine’s murder went viral simply because initial reports claimed that a white man had killed a young black girl.

He wrote on his page: “Black men murder children every day in the ghettos of America. The only reason the story about the dead seven year old girl went viral is because people though the killer was white. He wasn’t. Sad story from every angle.”

What is offensive about that? Nothing, unless of course, you’re a Leftist speech Nazi working for a major social media platform who has been instructed to find any and all reasons to punish conservatives, even when they’re dropping massive truth bombs. So Facebook banned him for a week.

Meanwhile, black activists like Bishop Talbert Swan were able to write things truly inflammatory on their social media accounts without being punished or censored.

As noted by The Gateway Pundit, Swan tweeted a picture of the little girl and wrote: “This is 7 year old #JazmineBarnes. She didn’t die in custody of Border Patrol. She was shot and killed by America’s real terrorist threat, a white man who opened fire on her family’s car as they left Walmart in Houston.” 

Dice noted in a video that stating facts similar to what he wrote, along with factual statistics about minorities, “is now considered ‘hate speech’ in 2019.” He went on to point out that black-on-black homicides are regular features on nightly news broadcasts in cities like Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago — and included actual news broadcasts to support his claim — but they “barely make a blip” on the national scene because they are so common.

But all of this social media censorship of conservative truth-talkers and facts the Left finds inconvenient is only going to get worse, Dice warned. 

There’s little doubt he’s right.

For news that isn’t censored, make sure to visit and bookmark Censored.news.

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