Amazon, Google and other tech giants now protecting radical Islam while censoring Christianity

American Leftists are loathe to admit it because they are busy doing all they can to destroy our heritage and culture, but the United States was founded by followers of the Christian religion.

That’s not even debatable. What’s also not debatable is that those same Christian founders were well aware that not all humans believed in the same set of theological principles or the same god, and that is reflected in the First Amendment, which specifically prohibits local, state, and federal governments from establishing a monolithic official religion. 

But that constitutional prohibition doesn’t seem to be registering with the big tech, retail, and media platforms including Amazon, Google, and Twitter — probably because they are wholly owned and operated by the American Left.

While Christianity is downplayed and Christians themselves either discriminated against openly or otherwise discouraged from openly practicing and embracing their faith, adherents to other religions — like, say, Islam — face no such pressures. The big tech and retail firms have bent over backward to accommodate Muslim followers, but even that hasn’t been enough: They want more.

As reported by Agence France Presse, Muslim workers at an Amazon facility in Minnesota are demanding — demanding — more time to pray while they are on the job.

A group of Somali refugees who were resettled in the upper Midwestern state say that they are being abused by Amazon because the company dares to require them to actually be productive while they’re drawing a paycheck.

“We don’t have rights in the company,” complained Abdulkadir Ahmad, 30, in an interview with AFP, which noted further:

The workers, many of whom are practicing Muslims, say the required productivity rate is too high, the company is unconcerned about worker injuries and that the conditions don’t allow practicing Muslims to pray as they otherwise would.

“We do not have enough time to pray. There is a lot of pressure. They say your rate is too low,” Ahmed whined. 

Mind you, there is one element of Christianity (and Judaism, for that matter) at play here: The workers made sure to time their protest over the holidays — the busiest time of the year for Amazon — to ensure their ‘message was heard.’

This is a great way to get yourself replaced by a machine

It’s not as if Amazon has been completely deaf to their complaints and demands. AFP notes that the company, “says it has offered accommodations such as providing prayer mats for workers, converting a conference room into prayer space during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and approving shift transfers for fasting workers.”

Also, “we’ve continued to hire and develop East African employees,” Amazon spokeswoman Shevaun Brown told the newswire service in an email. “We’re a leader in this space and we feel really good about our record here.”

Not good enough, said ‘activist’ Abdi Muse, the executive director of the Awood Center, a Leftist non-profit group responsible for organizing the protests.

Do you know what they don’t have in Somalia? Amazon. Jobs. Income opportunities. They have a lot of unemployed Muslims who do have plenty of time to pray every day, however. 

You know what Amazon doesn’t have in the United States? Facilities with spaces established for followers of the Christian faith, that we’ve heard of anyway. Most of the warehouse employees don’t work on Christmas Day, but that’s a perk available to every employee, not just Christians.

As much as this may boggle the mind of many, perhaps it isn’t Amazon’s fault. After all, you can bet there is some Left-wing “legal” group out there just waiting to file a massive discrimination lawsuit against the online retail behemoth for ‘violating the religious rights’ of Muslim employees (similar suits involving Christian complainants may also be forthcoming). 

As for the Muslim workers dissatisfied with Amazon’s employment conditions, we have one word they should become intimately familiar with — robots.

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