Where does it end? The authoritarian Left is trying to outlaw BANKING and financial services for all conservative groups

The hard-Left in America, which is devouring the Democratic Party and filling it with hateful Marxists who seek to bully their way to power, has long targeted the National Rifle Association.

But not because the 147-year-old organization has done anything wrong – at least not in the eyes of most rational people. The NRA was founded by Union Army officers who were disappointed with the lack of marksmanship displayed by their troops during the Civil War; since then the organization has continued its marksmanship mission but also has come to serve as the country’s premier gun rights group.

And Left-wing Democrats despise the Second Amendment. So they have made it a mission to destroy the NRA in any way possible.

After all these years, they may have found a way: Starve the NRA to death economically.

As reported by Townhall, the NRA has filed a lawsuit against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), New York State’s Superintendent of Financial Services Maria T. Vullo and the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS), claiming that the governor, Vullo and officials at DFS pressured banks and insurance companies not to do business with the organization.

“Simply put, Defendants made it clear to banks and insurers that it is bad business in New York to do business with the NRA,” says the lawsuit, which was first reported by Rolling Stone magazine.

“As a direct result of this coercion, multiple financial institutions have succumbed to Defendants’ demands and entered into consent orders with DFS that compel them to terminate longstanding, beneficial business relationships with the NRA, both in New York and elsewhere,” the filing says.

Townhall reported that DFS launched a probe into an NRA insurance product, Carry Guard, even though several other companies offer something very similar. The NRA said that it fashioned Carry Guard after other similar insurance plans specifically to avoid being singled out.

But, according to The Wall Street Journal, anti-NRA regulators in New York banned the insurance program in May anyway because it allegedly ‘violated’ state law, while imposing a $7 million fine on the insurance broker who set it up.

Not the first time this has been tried

WSJ reported:

The NRA program allows policyholders to buy policies that cover legal costs in self-defense shootings. The “NRA Carry Guard” program is still being marketed, according to the program’s website, although sales in New York were suspended last fall shortly after the state’s Department of Financial Services launched its probe.

The NRA lawsuit claims that its Carry Guard program wasn’t DFS’ “true focus,” as demonstrated by the fact that shortly after it began the investigation dramatically expanded.

“Defendants’ goal, from the outset, was to disrupt any and all business arrangements between the NRA and any insurance administrator, broker, or underwriter – indeed, any financial institution,” the suit notes.

After receiving extortion threats from NY DFS, Townhall reported, Lockton – the long-time insurer of the NRA – dropped all of its NRA-related business and services. The suit says at the time the NRA and the insurer were in negotiations over a policy renewal and were set to seal the deal when Lockton officials instead informed the NRA that it could not provide the gun rights group with services moving forward. (Related: MASSIVE: NRA crushes it with 15-year fundraising record in March.)

Chubb Group Holdings, another provider of NRA insurance policies, also had DFS enact a similar content order against them, threatening to fine Chubb $1.3 million if the company participated in any NRA-endorsed program.

The suit also says that the Defendants made it nearly impossible for the NRA to engage in pro-gun advocacy absent basic financial services as well.

This isn’t the first time economic warfare has been used by the Left to attack the Second Amendment. The Obama administration used “Operation Choke Point” to shut down gun shops by walling them off from necessary financial services. The Trump administration ended that program a year ago.

Read more about Left-wing assaults against the Second Amendment at SecondAmendment.news.

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