After blazing the trail, alternative media now under censorship (Fight for alternative media more important than ever)

“Without the pen of the author Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.” – John Adams

(Article by Daniel Taylor republished from

If the outright lies of MSM are what’s left after alternative media is banned, we are in big trouble.

Alternative media like Infowars – now under threat of total censorship – rose up to counter the dishonesty and outright manipulation of mainstream news outlets.

There was a gap in truthful, honest reporting that was filled by individuals like Matt Drudge, Alex Jones and others. The public was hungry for it. These trailblazers threatened the power monopoly.

More importantly, they inspired others to join the ranks of other “citizen journalists” who began using the tools of the internet to research seemingly outrageous claims, only to find that most of the time they were in fact true. This is the real reason the power structure is afraid. The masses cannot be empowered.

Before the rise of social media, thousands of others started blogs and news websites of their own, amplifying the broadcast of alternative news and information.

Now that the reach of alternative media has expanded to an unprecedented level, thanks in part to the tools of social media, efforts to silence it have reached a fever pitch.

Outright lies are being manufactured to create a precedent to silence one of the most prominent outlets: Alex Jones on

The claim is that alternative media pushes fake news and should not be trusted. The reality is that Infowars and other alternative media exposed major issues that were proven to be true.

Three examples

Alternative media exposed the Bilderberg group, who is now forced to admit their existence but claim they are the good guys.

Alternative media exposed plans for world government, the leaders of which now claim that populism and Donald Trump are destroying hopes for this once “non existent” plan.

Alternative media exposed the big brother surveillance state and was ridiculed, now this structure is openly admitted.

If the left has its way, only “approved” voices will be allowed to reach the masses. Even if you buy into this wrong line of thought, even its adherents will be hurt by this agenda. Once a system of regulating speech is in place, their voice will be silenced next. A different tyranny will rise under a different banner. Humanity is crushed either way.

Free speech must be defended.

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