Latest B.S. science hype from Elon Musk claims upcoming launch of “brain-computer interface” called Neuralink

There’s perhaps nobody in the world that’s more gung-ho about merging humans with “the machine” than Elon Musk, who’s reportedly developing a new technology known as Neuralink that he claims will one day have the capacity to integrate computers with the human brain.

According to the billionaire technocrat, turning humans into artificial intelligence (AI) hybrid beings is a necessary next step for the planet because computers are somehow “smarter” than humans, he contends, and thus must be given a run for their money by technologically “enhancing” what it means to be human.

In a recent tweet, Musk, who owns both the SpaceX and Tesla empires, announced plainly and without any further details that Neuralink is “coming soon.” So as of now, nobody really knows what this tax money-gobbling hustler has up his sleeve.

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Musk’s Neuralink will function using an implantable chip – Mark of the Beast, anyone?

However, what we do know from an earlier “teaser” product that was announced in conjunction with Neuralink is that there will most certainly be an implantable chip component to the technology – which reeks of being a Mark of the Beast prototype, if not the Mark itself.

According to reports, these implantable chips will be necessary to fulfill Musk’s vision for a workable brain-computer interface system, incorporating a “bunch of tiny wires” to create an “electrode to neuron interface at a micro level.”

During a recent interview with Axios, Musk fleshed out how his implantable chips will need to be surgically installed directly into people’s skulls – and that the world could see this concept rolled out on a global scale within just 10 years.

“The long term aspiration with Neuralink would be to achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence and to achieve a sort of democratization of intelligence, such that it is not monopolistically held in purely digital form by governments and large corporations,” Musk is quoted as saying.

“I believe this can be done,” he added, making yet another empty promise in typical Elon Musk fashion.

Musk wants to see all human beings turned into human-computer cyborgs

Drawing from the Hegelian Dialectic tactic of problem-reaction-solution, Musk contends that humanity has no choice but to accept his chips, or Marks, because AI technology is supposedly advancing at a much faster rate than natural human intelligence.

In other words, the “problem,” according to Musk, is that AI technology is rapidly advancing, the “reaction” being that we all need to acknowledge, accept, and most importantly fear being outpaced by it. So the only “solution,” in Musk’s eyes, is to turn all human beings into human-computer cyborgs.

“Essentially, how do we ensure that the future constitutes the sum of the will of humanity?” Musk asked during this same Axios interview.

“If we have millions of people with a high bandwidth link to the AI extension of themselves it would make everyone hyper smart … As the algorithms and the hardware improve, that digital intelligence will exceed biological intelligence by a substantial margin,” he the responded, answering his own question.

Musk has even gone so far as to claim that humans will one day go extinct if we don’t all willingly accept his patented chips and marks, which will presumably be required in order to gain and maintain employment, buy and sell goods, and participate in everyday society.

At the same time, Musk has stated during other interviews that people should be “concerned” about AI technology, warning that it’s “much more dangerous than nukes” – but apparently not as dangerous as his Tesla cars, which are crashing and blowing up for no apparent reason.

“[AI is] a very important subject,” he stated back in April 2018. “It’s going to affect our lives in ways we can’t even imagine right now. [We could create] an immortal dictator from which we would never escape.”

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