ANOTHER Google executive demands dismantling America to stop conservatives; announces desire to “abolish the Senate”

One thing Leftists are good at is letting Americans see them for who they really are, which is especially helpful in an election year.

The Democratic Party and its sycophantic supporters have let it be known in no uncertain terms in the age of POTUS Donald Trump and the era of constitutionalism that he is ushering in, that they have no use for our founding principles of government. That’s largely because they are out of power and cannot win it back through established means because they are bereft of ideas and morally and politically bankrupt.

Late last week, after Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, announced she would support then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation – which guaranteed he would receive enough votes to be seated – an executive from Google tweeted his disdain for the process as well as joining in an effort to bribe a sitting U.S. senator, which is supposed to be a crime.

“Abolish the Senate,” Google Ventures partner Ken Norton tweeted.

If that bit of lunacy wasn’t enough, Norton then tweeted what can be correctly described as a “bribery scheme,” according to PJ Media, in an attempt to force Collins to change her mind and vote “no” instead on Kavanaugh’s confirmation (mind you, he’s one of the most brilliant jurists to come along in a generation – far smarter than the juvenile Leftists opposed to him).

“Match my pledge to Either Sen. Collins VOTES NO on Kavanaugh OR we fund her future opponent on @Crowdpac,” he wrote.

PJ Media noted further:

The Crowdpac “quid-pro-quo bribe” raised money for a future challenger to Susan Collins, with the.understanding that the money would be returned to donors if Collins were to vote “no” on Kavanaugh. The scheme arguably violated federal laws against bribery, and Collins declared that she would not be swayed by it.

The Left wants to blow up our system

Since Google is infested with Leftists, it should surprise no one that Norton wasn’t the only one affiliated with the company to negatively respond to Kavanaugh’s confirmation. As noted by Fox News, design lead Dave Hogue tweeted this derogatory message, “You are finished, [GOP]. You polished the final nail for your own coffins. F**K. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL.”

He added: “I hope the last images burned into your slimy, evil, treasonous retinas are millions of women laughing and clapping and celebrating as your souls descend into the flames.” (Related: This is the Left: Prof who called for GOP deaths ADMITS she doxes her “haters”.)

The tweet has since been deleted and Hogue offered a mea culpa of sorts, but his initial sentiment was probably the closest to accurate.

Google did not defend the tweets nor did the company distance itself from them. “What employees say in their personal capacity has no bearing on the way we build or operate our products,” a spokesperson told Fox News.

Elected Democrats also rejected a fundamental legal standard earlier this month during the Kavanaugh hearings when they claimed that Kavanaugh’s female accusers who alleged he sexually assaulted or abused them 35-plus years ago – despite there being no witness corroboration of their stories – should be believed without question.

As reported by The National Sentinel, one Senate Democrat, Kirsten Gillibrand, speaking on behalf of her Left-wing colleagues, essentially said our founding legal standard of “innocent until proven guilty” should not apply to Kavanaugh simply because his first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, sounded so ‘credible.’

“Based on everything I have heard to date, no,” she told CNN when asked if she was even open to changing her mind about supporting Kavanaugh the day before he and Ford appeared to give testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“Then you just add to that all these allegations. So, no, whatever he says tomorrow, it will not change my view. And I’ve already read Dr. Blasey Ford’s testimony and I believe her,” she said.

The Left has one political objective only and that is to destroy our existing system of government and change it so that they can be in charge forever.

Read more about the insane Left at

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