Google executives believe a “free and open internet” is achieved by censoring all political dissent and working on behalf of authoritarian, anti-human rights regimes

After the 2016 U.S Presidential election, Google executives got together and put their most enlightened elites on stage to discuss the election results and how best to move the company forward.

Google executive Sergey Brin mocked the American majority for acting out of “boredom” and “fear” to elect Donald Trump. Arrogant and out-of-touch, the Google elite clapped and boasted, as if they have some great insight into politics, human psychology, and world affairs.

Google’s Senior Vice President for Global Affairs and Chief Legal Officer, Kent Walker, got on stage and talked big about Google’s values. He said there are two worlds to live in: one of the “wall” and one of the “square.” According to the pretentious Walker, Google is committed to the open world of the square, where all people are connected to an “open and free” internet.

In the leaked internal video, Google executives pat themselves on the back for believing in a “free and open internet,” but actions speak louder than words.

Google executives are now in the business of promoting the political and ideological concepts they believe in, while censoring political dissent from their platforms. For example, Google bans videos on firearms and de-lists websites that talk about natural healing.

Google is now engineering search queries to filter out and bury the concepts and websites they don’t want people to learn from. Censoring political dissent, Google engineers have found a way to use their platform to control what people see, learn, and think. Google tracks user searches to understand more about the user and what they desire to learn, see, and engage with online. This gives Google insight into peoples’ interests, allowing Google a pathway to manipulate what users can see in searches and in advertisements. Google is using data to promote some websites over others, to influence thought, to interfere in elections, and to manipulate public policy.

Even worse, Google is currently engineering search engines that profit from anti-human rights regimes around the world in order to control the information that people have access to. Google is currently working with China to create an Android app that restricts what Chinese citizens can look up. Google executives don’t want a truly free and open internet. They want an internet that they can freely manipulate and control. The Intercept revealed that Google has been working with Chinese authorities on a project called Dragonfly. Expanding their business in China, Google has worked out a deal that allows Chinese citizens to search the internet, but the search query censors out anything that the Chinese communist government doesn’t want their people to lookup. This includes blocking any searches linked to peaceful protest, freedom of speech or anything that questions communism or engages in political dissent against authoritarian rule.

Google elite are tone deaf hypocrites, clapping arrogantly in their own echo chambers

The Google elite think they know what’s best for all Americans, but their intellectual elitism is tone deaf to what America really stands for. These Google executives are cut from the same cloth as the limp-wristed career politicians in Washington. Google executives are only hypocrites to the values they espouse. When they talk about supporting a “free and open internet” that doesn’t censor anyone, they are only engaging in doublespeak, because Google platforms are now designed to interfere in elections and favor special interests.

When they take the stage in front of their echo chamber, they pander to their own clique and applaud their intellectual narcissism. The Google elite think they can dictate the internet and engineer their search engines to censor out certain terms and concepts, while de-listing popular websites that challenge their worldviews. As Google works with China to monitor people’s search queries and censor out information on free speech, human rights, and political dissent, they are proving to be unethical, controlling monsters.

Americans must continue to see through Google’s attempts to manipulate with lofty words. Americans must reject Google’s plans to control the internet, freedom of speech, expression, thought, and the right to engage in lively debate. Google executives represent the same corruptive, anti-American forces that the American public rejected at the voting booth in 2016.

For more on this hot topic, visit Censorship.News.

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