The deranged Left thinks it can control society by silencing all the voices it doesn’t like… just like Adolf Hitler believed as he ordered burning the books

Despite the fact that the social media behemoths are facing increasing scrutiny from Congress and POTUS Donald Trump over their censorship and banning of Right-leaning and conservative voices form their platforms, the attack on free speech is continuing unimpeded.

Late last week Twitter banned Infowars founder Alex Jones for life, and for nothing more than making one of his frequent detractors from CNN uncomfortable and posting the encounter to his Twitter feed.

As reported by NPR, the ban was due to “abusive behavior”:

Twitter on Thursday said it has “permanently suspended” conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his InfoWars outlet, citing “new reports of Tweets and videos posted yesterday that violate our abusive behavior policy.”

This comes after YouTube, Apple, Facebook, and Spotify banned Jones’ content as well last month. Apple banned Infowars’ app as well last week.

In testimony before Congress, Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey actually claimed that his company doesn’t discriminate politically.

“I want to start by making something clear: we don’t consider political viewpoints, perspectives, or party affiliation in any of our policies or enforcement decisions. Period. Impartiality is our guiding principle,” he said.

Frankly, that’s garbage. And Infowars reporter Paul Joseph Watson knows it.

As Information Liberation notes, Watson spoke out about the Jones lifetime ban, especially after Twitter announced it was thinking about banning other accounts that are associated with him, which would include Watson’s as well.

That retribution-by-association has already started, actually. Watson said Twitter suspended him for actually posting the video showing Jones confronting CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy after he called on the social media giants to ban Jones.

Stating that he is going keep fighting against Big Tech’s censorship and “ride it until the wheels fall off,” he said there are 20 social justice warriors at Twitter deciding who can and cannot have a voice on the platform.

He also points out the blatant hypocrisy of the social media platforms, especially Twitter, which is “shadow banning” or otherwise censoring conservative, pro-POTUS Trump voices while permitting Left-wing hacks, racists, and terrorist groups to keep their feeds and to be verified to boot. (Related: POTUS Trump blasts ‘illegal’ social media BIAS and censorship, vows actions.)

So much evidence of hypocrisy

Some examples he provided:

— There has been no shortage of users on Twitter who have advocated violence – and even death – against POTUS Trump.

New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeong has made overtly racist remarks disparaging white men, including, “White people have stopped breeding. You’ll all go extinct soon. This was my plan all along.” And, of course, she’s “verified” with the blue checkmark.

— Terrorist organization Hamas, which is supported by Iran, has an account.

— So does “Jew-bashing, gay-hating” ‘minister’ Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam.

— People who have threatened to kill independent journalist Mike Cernovich’s child also have their accounts.

— Actor Peter Fonda still has his account, despite the fact that he called for locking up POTUS’ son, Barron, in a cage so he could be repeatedly raped by pedophiles.

“But there’s no social media bias against conservatives,” Watson said sarcastically.

And Jones was banned – for life – for “abusive behavior.”

It’s absurd for Dorsey to claim his company isn’t being very selective, to say the least, in who it is singling out for bans, censorship, and other punitive behavior. The kind of abuse Leftists mete out on Twitter by the minute should be enough to ban half the platform’s users in one day – if policies were being applied fairly and universally.

It’s equally absurd for him and the rest of the Big Tech cabal to claim there’s no collusion between them and the Left-wing ‘establishment media’ to silence conservatives – coincidentally before the 2018 midterm elections.


Read more about social media’s censorship at

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