Confirmed: Tech giants meeting in secret to plot “final solution” for stealing ALL future elections

For months Big Tech and Big Tech Media have been working to quash conservative, pro-POTUS Donald Trump media voices and purge them from their platforms, but now as the 2018 midterm elections approach the social media behemoths are ramping up censorship operations under the guise of countering “Russian interference.”

As initially reported by Buzzfeed, the news site “admitted to meeting in secret with reps from Google, Microsoft, SnapChat, Facebook, [and] Twitter to discuss ways they can censor the American people and steal the midterm election for the Democrats,” Infowars reported.

Buzzfeed noted:

Representatives from a host of the biggest US tech companies, including Facebook and Twitter, have scheduled a private meeting for Friday to share their tactics in preparation for the 2018 midterm elections.

Last week, Facebook’s head of cybersecurity policy, Nathaniel Gleicher, invited employees from a dozen companies, including Google, Microsoft, and Snapchat, to gather at Twitter’s headquarters in downtown San Francisco, according to an email obtained by BuzzFeed News.

“As I’ve mentioned to several of you over the last few weeks, we have been looking to schedule a follow-on discussion to our industry conversation about information operations, election protection, and the work we are all doing to tackle these challenges,” Gleicher wrote.

There’s more. In May, nine Big Tech firms met at Facebook’s HQ in the occupied territory of California with two federal officials – Department of Homeland Security Under Secretary Chris Krebs and Mike Burham of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force, which Buzzfeed said was established in November. The purpose of that meeting was to discuss ways to counter ‘influence operations,’ and reportedly the tech firms said they were “discouraged that they received little information from the government,” Buzzfeed reported.

Gee – wonder why that is?

It could be that much of the information DHS and the FBI have on such operations is classified. It could be that much of the information the government has pertains to ongoing counterintelligence operations.

And it could also be due to the fact that the entire premise of this ‘secret’ plan to censor more conservative voices – because that’s what’s about to happen – is based on a massive lie that the Left keeps pretending is real.

The biggest political scandal in our history

What lie is it?

That “Russia stole the election” from Hillary and very probably due to “collusion” with the 2016 Trump campaign. (Related: As Mueller continues to round up current and former Trump associates, the very basis of his appointment is now known to be fraudulent.)

There is nothing about that narrative that is real. Nothing. There’s no proof that it happened because it didn’t. It was and remains a manufactured narrative that the weaponized Leftist Deep State is using to undermine the Trump campaign and, more importantly, the results of future elections every time Democrats lose (which, hopefully, will be often). If Democrats eke out a victory here and there this “Russian” undermining narrative will temporarily vanish, but when Republicans win, the Left will trot it out front and center and blare it from every rooftop and fake news network.

How do we know that it’s a fabrication? How do we know that “The Russians” didn’t affect the outcome of the 2016 election?

Because the man who appointed special counsel Robert Mueller to be a constant disruptor for this administration said so.

In July when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced that Mueller had indicted 12 Russians for alleged election interference – 12 Russian suspects he knows will never be tried and which helped perpetuate the ‘election theft’ myth – he made this declarative statement:

There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There’s no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result.

So why is the Left still talking about it? Why are the Left-wing social media behemoths still acting as though the lie is real?

Easy. It gives them an excuse to ban the voices of people they don’t want anyone to hear or see. Like conservatives.

Read more about this Deep State conspiracy at

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