Remember when everybody called Alex Jones “paranoid” for claiming censorship was on the rise? Where are the APOLOGIES for him being right all along?

Alex Jones of understands human behavior all too well. He understands history and knows how people abuse positions of power. When Jones began talking about the rise of online censorship, very few took him seriously. Jones was viewed as “paranoid” for understanding that there are people in power who want to seize the opportunity to silence voices in the independent media.

Now that Facebook, Google (YouTube), Spotify, Apple, MailChimp, Shopify and other technocrat organizations have de-platformed, demonetized, shadow banned, and refused their services to Alex Jones, it is apparent that ideological censorship is real. Alex Jones is one of several who have been censored by Silicon Valley’s tech elite.

Technology elite cut off online services of those they oppose, discriminating against people based on the color of their ideas

The evil of online censorship is here: A select few companies think they have the power to dictate the type of speech and the kind of ideas that can be espoused. Where are the apologies for Alex Jones being right all along? Now that this censorship is out in the open, it is not something to negotiate with, not something to reason with using some cowardly no-force-is-necessary approach. Americans must fight back by speaking out ten times stronger than before. Americans must defend their right to speak freely on social media.

Big Tech monopolies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter should be regulated as public utilities, so they can no longer shut down or shadow ban users based on the content and ideas of users’ speech. We are up against a powerful, elite group of people who are gatekeepers of information, information sharing, and monetization on the web. This elite group does not have a right to discriminate against people based on the color of their ideas.

The silencing of voices on social media platforms does not stop with Alex Jones. A global network of digital forensic analysts is working with Facebook to subvert pages that they deem “divisive” or “provoking.” The Digital Forensic Research Lab has been working with Facebook to shut down pages that contain speech that “violates community guidelines.” Facebook recently shut down Telesurenglish, a page accused of “inauthentic behavior surrounding politics in the United States.” From InfoWars to Telesurenglish, no one is free to think.

Speech police = thought police

Speech alone should not be blamed for inciting “division” or provoking emotions. Those emotions and divisions occur within the mind of the receiver of a message; these emotions should not be blamed on the speech itself. Why does Facebook fear that people could be emotionally influenced by speech and why does Facebook use this as a reason to censor that speech from their social media platform? The freedom to speak on controversial topics should remain, no matter how people react in divisive or provocative ways. Facebook cannot protect people from their own reactions to information on the internet. No one should ever want to live in a world where an elite group of technocrats try to protect the public from “offensive” speech or information that makes people think a different way. When Facebook tries to rid their platform of controversial thought, they are only censoring the right of anyone to speak freely on the platform. This controlling, micromanagement of speech, assisted with AI and algorithms, will only force people to speak about certain topics or events in “approved” ways. This speech control is deliberate and planned – a disgusting attempt to make people think a certain way.

All this speech control is a plan to limit the growing independent media, so that Americans are forced to accept the “official story” put out by networks like CNN, WashPo, and the Associated Press. Any other perspective, any deviations of thought, or any new facts are to be buried, silenced, and censored.

For more, visit Censorship.News.

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