ACLU, SPLC must be prosecuted for “sabotaging a constitutional republic,” warns author

According to his bio on PJ Media, David Solway is a Canadian poet, essayist, and author of the book The Big Lie: On Terror, Antisemitism, and Identity. Recently, Solway published a two-part piece on PJ Media titled “Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures,” in which he explained that certain groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), must be prosecuted on the grounds that they are actively trying to sabotage our constitutional republic.

“A sectarian press and accessory internet sites, which are not ‘free’ but propaganda arms of the Marxist axis – American Pavada, as James O’Keefe calls it – need to be prosecuted for flagrantly violating the SPJ Code of Ethics. Organizations that have proliferated for decades with the intent of sabotaging a constitutional republic – the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Planned Parenthood, among an innumerable host – must be disbanded,” Solway writes.

The ACLU and the SPLC

Indeed, groups like the ACLU and the SPLC really do pose a direct threat to the very fabric of America, and, in many respects, are contributing to the decay of our constitutional republic. Earlier this year, the American Civil Liberties Union in Oregon filed a lawsuit against the federal government following a February 2 directive from the head of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to target criminal illegal aliens appears in courthouses. In this way, the ACLU stood not for, but against, the rule of law in order to protect individuals that have no right to be in the country in the first place. America’s justice system was sabotaged, just as it had been dozens – if not hundreds – of times before. (Related: The ACLU has sued a small town into submission over a cross on top of a Christmas tree.)

As for the Southern Poverty Law Center, this is an organization that disguises itself as a reputable, bipartisan group that seeks to preserve civil rights, when in reality it’s nothing more than a far-left, anti-conservative organization. They have developed something of a habit of labeling certain groups (mostly conservative and rarely liberal) as “hate groups” as a means of discrediting them and damaging their reputation. Ironically, when it comes to radical left-wing groups like Antifa that are staunchly opposed to republicans and President Trump, the Southern Poverty Law Center won’t even come close to using the term “hate group.” They are rabble-rousers, intentionally trying to stir up trouble and creating nothing but chaos in the process. (Related: The SPLC is a hate group pretending to be an anti-hate group.)

A threat to our republic

In his essay, David Solway made a point that, quite frankly, conservatives everywhere should be making day in and day out: The liberals are literally contributing to the unraveling of our constitutional republic.

Every time they censor conservative voices, whether it’s on the Internet or elsewhere, they are sabotaging our republic.

Every time they stand against your right to keep and bear arms, they are sabotaging our republic.

Every time they appoint unelected bureaucrats, infringe on property rights via burdensome regulations, and redistribute your wealth to others that haven’t earned it, they are sabotaging our republic.

It’s sad, but every single time a liberal progressive gets elected to office, we as a country lose a tiny piece of who we really are.

Make no mistake – all of this is one hundred percent intentional. As a matter of fact, this plot to sabotage our constitutional republic and unravel the very fabric of America has been in the words for over a century, with the progressives acting fast enough to achieve their goals, yet slow enough so that most Americans don’t even notice their country being fundamentally transformed from the inside. This is the battle that conservatives face – a battle that must be won.

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