Facebook announces medical FASCISM rule: All content that contradicts the corrupt vaccine industry will be BANNED

Just as we’ve been predicting, Mark Zuckerberg’s baby, Facebook, has decided to go all-in with fascist plans to censor all content on its platform that in any way questions the “holy grail” of vaccines.

In a formal announcement, Facebook clearly indicated that it’s siding with “global health organizations” such as the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C.D.C.), both of which have dubbed all honest skepticism about vaccine safety and effectiveness as “verifiable vaccine hoaxes.”

“If these vaccine hoaxes appear on Facebook, we will take action against them,” the announcement from Facebook reads, adding that “group or Page admin posts” that share “vaccine misinformation” will be excluded from Facebook’s official “recommendations.” Further, Facebook plans to “reduce these groups (sic) and Pages’ distribution in News Feed and Search, and reject ads with this misinformation.”

The drastic move comes after California Democrat Adam Schiff recently called on Facebook, Amazon, and various other Big Tech giants to allow only government-approved propaganda about vaccines to be shared, sold, or otherwise propagated on their platforms – an online “book burning,” if you will.

As we recently reported, Amazon was similarly compliant with Schiff’s petition, having recently agreed to remove all “anti-vaccine” films from its Prime service, which means it might potentially go after “anti-vaccine” e-books on Kindle as well.

“We are exploring ways to share educational information about vaccines when people come across misinformation on this topic,” Facebook reiterated about its own plans to conduct similar censorship “raids” on “anti-vax” content.

For more news about Big Tech fascism and censorship of free speech, be sure to check out Fascism.news and Censorship.news.

Big Tech fascism and censorship of free speech is a BIPARTISAN attack on the First Amendment

While Schiff is the one getting the most attention for orchestrating this crusade against online free speech, it’s important to note that some Republicans are also on-board with this fascist agenda, including Texas Republican Michael Burgess, who helped co-introduce bipartisan legislation along with Schiff that calls for mass censorship of “unfounded and debunked theories” about vaccines.

The repercussions of this legislation, which hasn’t even been passed yet, is already being seen on other tech platforms besides Facebook and Amazon, including on Instagram where “anti-vax” hashtags will no longer be showing up on Instagram’s official hashtag page. These same “anti-vax” hashtags will also be blocked from Instagram’s “Explore” tab.

YouTube, which is now owned by Google, also recently demonetized a channel known as “Stop Mandatory Vaccination,” which is run by former executive director of the California Naturopathic Doctors Association, Larry Cook. Not only has Cook’s YouTube channel lost its income stream, but his books are now being promoted “less” on Amazon as well, reports indicate.

As far as Facebook’s ongoing plans to target vaccine free speech, Monika Bickert, the company’s head of “global policy management,” indicated in a statement that the social media platform plans to simply block from view all groups, pages, and possibly even individual accounts that share “anti-vax” content.

Facebook, Bickert says, is “working to tackle vaccine misinformation on Facebook by reducing its distribution and providing people with authoritative information on the topic.”

Facebook, Google, and many other tech platforms pushing censorship are really just CIA-run deep state “spook” mechanisms in disguise

It’s important to remember that Facebook, Google, and many other similar platforms are really just covert extensions of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) and other deep state entities, and that they’re being used to control the population, steer the narrative, and ultimately enslave the planet.

“Google really isn’t a private company,” Zero Hedge warned back in 2017. “If it continues to attack alternative media like Alex Jones and NaturalNews.com, it may find lawsuits headed in its direction. The same may go for Facebook too.”

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