Facebook won’t ban posts from radical Marxist who threatened to shoot a Sheriff… because he supports gun control

The social media giants continue to demonstrate their anti-conservative bias so often it’s difficult to keep up with all of the examples. But we try to point out as many as we can because it’s important for Americans to understand a) that it’s really happening; and b) that it happens a lot.

While examples are rife at Jack Dorsey’s Twitter, they are getting more numerous at Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook as well. If you hold the “wrong” political, social, or cultural viewpoints — that is, if you’re conservative, pro-Trump, pro-guns, and pro-America first, you’re deemed an unacceptable ‘risk’ to all that’s decent and therefore must be banned, censored, or otherwise punished. 

If you’re a Left-wing kook, however, just about anything goes — including, it seems, threatening someone’s life, especially the lives of conservatives.

As reported by Ammoland, a “gun control activist” from Washington state is now facing federal charges after posting threats to sheriffs who have vowed not to enforce any edicts approved by voters in November that require them to disarm otherwise peaceful, law-abiding residents. 

Last week the website Heavy posted in one of its infamous “Five Fast Facts” articles the details of the young, self-described Marxist terrorist who “admitted to FBI and Secret Service investigators that he had every intention of carrying out the violence he talked about” — wait for it — “on social media.” (Related: Tech companies caught LYING: Yes, they’re censoring conservative content, and here’s how they do it.)

The punk — er, the suspect — is Jaydin Ledford who, at 23 years old, has let his hate consume his better judgment to the point where he’ll now serve out a good number of his formidable years behind bars. 

Heavy reported:

Jaydin Ledford, from Omak, Washington, posted on February 1 that he would personally shoot and kill sheriffs who would not impose the new law. He also threatened the Spokane County Sheriff in another post that read, “Ozzie Knezovich is gonna get a bullet in his skull.”

Ledford was arrested February 20 in Okanogan County. During an interview with an FBI investigator, he reportedly confessed to making the threats and that he had planned on carrying them out. Ledford will be back in court on February 26.

The fact that Facebook left these posts online represents a much deeper-seated cultural problem

Ammoland, meanwhile, noted that Ledford’s “embrace death” URL Facebook page posts were still up as of February 25; this reporter verified that some of them were still up the next day, at this link, which says, “f—king republican terrorists i am going to kill every single one of them.” The post was linked to a story from KHQ Local News quoting the Grant County Sheriff who has instructed “my deputies not to enforce Initiative 1639.” I-1639, as it is more popularly known, increased the age from 18 to 21 for the purchase of semi-automatic rifles; expanded background checks to all purchases including private exchanges; and implemented restrictive storage requirements. Scores of sheriffs around the state do not think the law is constitutional and have pledged not to enforce it. A lawsuit has been filed against it and a Republican lawmaker in the state has introduced legislation to repeal it.

Another post by Ledford that is still up on Facebook reads, “I-1639 is law. sheriffs that are non compliant will be shot. by me.”

“With all the ‘shadow banning’ and suppression against ‘conservative’ voices, that seems more than a bit of a double standard,” notes Ammoland.

Of course, it does. Because it is.

Granted, some people would argue that the posts should be left online so that people can see them and verify them rather than rely on the dishonest, Left-aligned “Mainstream media’ (MSM) for reporting. Facts often get lost and are replaced by bias when that happens.

But the fact remains that conservatives are being held to a different standard; when a lawless little Marxist wannabe can post his hate and have it remain there unmolested by the Facebook speech Nazis simply because they may agree with the message, that’s a much deeper-rooted problem.

See more stories on about Left-wing domestic terrorism at DomesticTerrorism.news.

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